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Speaking Topics

Oak is an internationally recognized speaker who gives presentations on a variety of topics including leadership, success, history, college preparation and others. Contact Oak to schedule a presentation today!

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Ignite Your Leadership Potential

A 45-90 minute presentation on what it takes to be a good leader. We will discuss nine attributes that good leaders must have and practice.  My book, “Your Leadership Legacy: Becoming the Leader You Were Meant to Be,” is based upon this presentation.

Image by Samuel Clara

Arm Yourself For Success

A 45-60 minute presentation on what it takes to be successful in today’s world. We will discuss topics, such as: factors that are limiting your ability to be successful; how to change those factors; goal-setting and how to make those goals become reality; motivation; and self-discipline.

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The First Gulf War Experience

A 60-minute discussion about what happened during Desert Shield/Desert Storm and some important lessons learned. We will look at this operation from a U.S. led coalition perspective with some personal examples and experiences presented.

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A History of the Arab-Israeli Wars

This 60-90 minute presentation reviews the history of the Arab-Israeli wars. It begins with the start with the creation of the State of Israel and the War of Independence in 1948.  We will then discuss the Suez/Sinai War of 1956, the Six Day War in June of 1967 and, finally, the Yom Kippur War of 1973. For each, we will evaluate the events that lead up to it, what happened during the war, and what the consequences of the war were.

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Kosovo Peacekeeping Experience

A 60-minute discussion on my experiences as the Operations Officer for an Armor Battalion during my nine-month tour as a Peacekeeping Officer in Kosovo. We will discuss how the mission involved these key elements: conducting Peacekeeping Operations, Humanitarian Assistance and Direct Action all on the same day. Other topics we will discuss include: dealing with non-governmental and international agencies; working with different ethnic groups and soldiers from other nations; and dealing with the media and VIP visits.

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Revolutions in Military Affairs

In this 60-minute discussion, we discuss the definition of a Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) and the impact it has on a war when one occurs. We also define the different types of RMAs, discuss whether or not we can manufacture an RMA, and, finally, look at new warfare areas that could possibly lead to a RMA in the future.

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How to Pick a College That is Right for You

During this 60-minute presentation, we will discuss five areas that high school students should consider when picking a college to ensure they pick the right one for them. I also provide a clear-cut method to compare and contrast different schools to evaluate the pros and cons of each.

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Possible Causes of Future Wars

In this 60-minute presentation, we look at areas that may lead to future wars. We will look at these areas: scarcity of resources; religion; immigration and border disputes; the rise of nationalism and civil wars; terrorism; and the use of weapons of mass destruction.

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The Future of Warfare

A 60-minute discussion on what war in the future may look like. We start with what some famous theorists believe. We also discuss why fighting in an urban environment is almost guaranteed. We explore our enemy’s use of Asymmetric Warfare to counter our technological advantages. Finally, we will walk through the American Way of War.

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